南强小屋 Design By 杰米
如:elem.style.height 或者 elem.style.height = '100px', 这里要注意的是设置任何几何属性必须明确尺寸单位(如px),同时任何几何属性返回的是表示样式的字符串而非数值(如'100px'而非100)。另外像elem.style.height这样的操作,也能获取元素style属性中设置的样式值,如果你把样式统一放在css文件中,上述方法只会返回一个空串。为了获取元素真实、最终的样式,书中给出了一个函数
复制代码 代码如下:
//get a style property (name) of a specific element (elem)
function getStyle(elem, name) {
// if the property exists in style[], then it's been set
//recently (and is current)
if(elem.style[name]) return elem.style[name];
//otherwise, try to use IE's method
else if (elem.currentStyle) return elem.currentStyle[name];
//Or the W3C's method, if it exists
else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
//it uses the traditional 'text-align' style of rule writing
//instead of textAlign
name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$1');
name = name.toLowerCase();
//get the style object and get the value of the property ( if it exists)
var s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,'');
return s && s.getPropertyValue(name);
} else return null;
其中有几个重要元素的属性:offsetParent,offsetLeft,offsetTop(可直接点击到Mozilla Developer Center的相关页面)
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the x (horizontal, Left) position of an element
function pageX(elem) {
//see if we're at the root element, or not
return elem.offsetParent ?
//if we can still go up, add the current offset and recurse upwards
elem.offsetLeft + pageX(elem.offsetParent) :
//otherwise, just get the current offset
//find the y (vertical, top) position of an element
function pageY(elem) {
//see if we're at the root element, or not
return elem.offsetParent ?
//if we can still go up, add the current offset and recurse upwards
elem.offsetTop + pageY(elem.offsetParent) :
//otherwise, just get the current offset
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the horizontal position of an element within its parent
function parentX(elem) {
//if the offsetParent is the element's parent, break early
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem.offsetLeft :
// otherwise, we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageX(elem) - pageX(elem.parentNode);
//find the vertical positioning of an element within its parent
function parentY(elem) {
//if the offsetParent is the element's parent, break early
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem.offsetTop :
// otherwise, we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageY(elem) - pageY(elem.parentNode);
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the left position of an element
function posX(elem) {
//get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'left'));
//find the top position of an element
function posY(elem) {
//get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'top'));
复制代码 代码如下:
//a function for setting the horizontal position of an element
function setX(elem, pos) {
//set the 'left' css property, using pixel units
elem.style.left = pos + 'px';
//a function for setting the vertical position of an element
function setY(elem, pos) {
//set the 'top' css property, using pixel units
elem.style.top = pos + 'px';
复制代码 代码如下:
//a function for adding a number of pixels to the horizontal
//position of an element
function addX(elem, pos) {
//get the current horz. position and add the offset to it
setX(elem, posX(elem) + pos);
//a function that can be used to add a number of pixels to the
//vertical position of an element
function addY(elem, pos) {
//get the current vertical position and add the offset to it
setY(elem, posY(elem) + pos);
复制代码 代码如下:
function getHeight(elem) {
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'height'));
function getWidth(elem) {
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'width'));
复制代码 代码如下:
function fullHeight(elem) {
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
return elem.offsetHeight || getHeight(elem);
var old = resetCSS(elem, {
var h = elem.clientHeight || getHeight(elem);
restoreCSS(elem, old);
return h;
function fullWidth(elem) {
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
return elem.offsetWidth || getWidth(elem);
var old = resetCSS(elem, {
var w = elem.clientWidth || getWidth(elem);
restoreCSS(elem, old);
return w;
function resetCSS(elem, prop) {
var old = {};
for(var i in prop) {
old[i] = elem.style[i];
elem.style[i] = prop[i];
return old;
function restoreCSS(elem, prop) {
for(var i in prop)
elem.style[i] = prop[i];
复制代码 代码如下:
//get a style property (name) of a specific element (elem)
function getStyle(elem, name) {
// if the property exists in style[], then it's been set
//recently (and is current)
if(elem.style[name]) return elem.style[name];
//otherwise, try to use IE's method
else if (elem.currentStyle) return elem.currentStyle[name];
//Or the W3C's method, if it exists
else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
//it uses the traditional 'text-align' style of rule writing
//instead of textAlign
name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$1');
name = name.toLowerCase();
//get the style object and get the value of the property ( if it exists)
var s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,'');
return s && s.getPropertyValue(name);
} else return null;
其中有几个重要元素的属性:offsetParent,offsetLeft,offsetTop(可直接点击到Mozilla Developer Center的相关页面)
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the x (horizontal, Left) position of an element
function pageX(elem) {
//see if we're at the root element, or not
return elem.offsetParent ?
//if we can still go up, add the current offset and recurse upwards
elem.offsetLeft + pageX(elem.offsetParent) :
//otherwise, just get the current offset
//find the y (vertical, top) position of an element
function pageY(elem) {
//see if we're at the root element, or not
return elem.offsetParent ?
//if we can still go up, add the current offset and recurse upwards
elem.offsetTop + pageY(elem.offsetParent) :
//otherwise, just get the current offset
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the horizontal position of an element within its parent
function parentX(elem) {
//if the offsetParent is the element's parent, break early
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem.offsetLeft :
// otherwise, we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageX(elem) - pageX(elem.parentNode);
//find the vertical positioning of an element within its parent
function parentY(elem) {
//if the offsetParent is the element's parent, break early
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem.offsetTop :
// otherwise, we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageY(elem) - pageY(elem.parentNode);
复制代码 代码如下:
//find the left position of an element
function posX(elem) {
//get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'left'));
//find the top position of an element
function posY(elem) {
//get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'top'));
复制代码 代码如下:
//a function for setting the horizontal position of an element
function setX(elem, pos) {
//set the 'left' css property, using pixel units
elem.style.left = pos + 'px';
//a function for setting the vertical position of an element
function setY(elem, pos) {
//set the 'top' css property, using pixel units
elem.style.top = pos + 'px';
复制代码 代码如下:
//a function for adding a number of pixels to the horizontal
//position of an element
function addX(elem, pos) {
//get the current horz. position and add the offset to it
setX(elem, posX(elem) + pos);
//a function that can be used to add a number of pixels to the
//vertical position of an element
function addY(elem, pos) {
//get the current vertical position and add the offset to it
setY(elem, posY(elem) + pos);
复制代码 代码如下:
function getHeight(elem) {
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'height'));
function getWidth(elem) {
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'width'));
复制代码 代码如下:
function fullHeight(elem) {
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
return elem.offsetHeight || getHeight(elem);
var old = resetCSS(elem, {
var h = elem.clientHeight || getHeight(elem);
restoreCSS(elem, old);
return h;
function fullWidth(elem) {
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
return elem.offsetWidth || getWidth(elem);
var old = resetCSS(elem, {
var w = elem.clientWidth || getWidth(elem);
restoreCSS(elem, old);
return w;
function resetCSS(elem, prop) {
var old = {};
for(var i in prop) {
old[i] = elem.style[i];
elem.style[i] = prop[i];
return old;
function restoreCSS(elem, prop) {
for(var i in prop)
elem.style[i] = prop[i];
南强小屋 Design By 杰米
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南强小屋 Design By 杰米
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