南强小屋 Design By 杰米
simulate combox control
//-------------------------------------------------------------// @ Module: simulate select control, IE only.// @ Debug in: IE 6.0// @ Script by: blueDestiny, never-online// @ Updated: 2006-3-22// @ Version: 1.0 apha// @ Email: blueDestiny [at] 126.com// @ Website: http://www.never-online.net// @ Please Hold this item please.//// API// @ simulateSelect(ctlSelIDs)// ctlSelIDs: select control IDs, split by ","//// @ simulateSelect.style(ctlStyle[,selStyle][,unselStyle])// ctlStyle: main control combox css class name// selStyle: when mouseover or option focus css class name// unselStyle: options blur's css class name//// @ simulateSelect.width=(widthPX)// widthPX must be a digit number.//// @ simulateSelect.height=(heightPX)// heightPX must be a digit number.//// -------------- for the next Version ----------// @ simulateSelect.readOnly = (blnReadOnly)// blnReadOnly must be a boolean type or a number type.// @ simulateSelect.addEvent(w, h)// w: fire handler's event.// h: handler function.//-------------------------------------------------------------
Power By blueDestiny, never-onlinehttp://www.never-online.net
[Ctrl+A 全选 注:引入外部Js需再刷新一下页面才能执行]
南强小屋 Design By 杰米
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南强小屋 Design By 杰米