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老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan- 24bit44.1kHz\01 What is our life.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\02 FairLadies that to love captivated are - Mongst thousands good.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\03 Fairis the rose, yet fades with heat or cold.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\04Dainty fine bird.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\05 Noweach flowery bank of May.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\06 Laisnow old, that erst attempting lass.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\07 Howart thou thral'd - Farewell all joys.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\08 Thesilver swan.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\09 Naylet me weep - Ne'er let the sun with his deceiving light - Yet ifthat age had frosted over his head.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\10 Ah,dear heart why do you rise_.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\11 Trustnot t much fair youth unto thy feature.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\12 O,that the learned poets of this time.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz\13 Iweigh not fortune's frown nor smile - I tremble not at noise of war- I see ambition never pleased - I fain not friendship where Ihate.flac
老虎鱼The Spirit of Gambo - The Silver Swan - 24bit44.1kHz.rar:https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-862580742-d8c74e?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)