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圣所 Sanctuary
A wickedly dark comedy follows dominatrix, Rebecca (Margaret Qualley), and her wealthy client, Hal (Christopher Abbott),as they engage in a high stakes role playing game for power and control. In the wake of inheriting his father’s hotel chain, Hal attempts to end his long and secret relationship with Rebecca. A battle of wills ensues over the course of one incredibly fraught night, with both Rebecca and Hal struggling to keep the upper hand as the power dynamics swing wildly back and forth.
A wickedly dark comedy follows dominatrix, Rebecca (Margaret Qualley), and her wealthy client, Hal (Christopher Abbott),as they engage in a high stakes role playing game for power and control. I... 显示全部
舌在足矣 2023-05-26 3 有用典型的A24/Neon系美学+疫情隔离封闭空间小卡司制作,本身已经局限够多了,结果还套了这么一个霸道domme爱上subby公子哥的YY剧情(甚至能猜到编剧删掉的浏览器历史都有些什么
Jonathan 2023-05-22 0 有用78/100
Hannah_WangQiqi 2023-06-11 0 有用interesting
海边的曼彻斯特 2023-06-21 0 有用名字不搭剧情
电影标签:圣所 Sanctuary 高清电影 在线播放 迅雷下载 BT下载 种子下载 磁力链接 迅雷下载 免费 百度网盘 天翼云盘