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野马奇迹 The Long Game
Based on the critically acclaimed self-published book by Author Humberto G. Garcia. In 1955, five young Mexican-American caddies, out of the love for the game, were determined to learn how to play, so they created there own golf course in the middle of the South Texas desert. Despite having outdated and inferior equipment, and no professional instruction to begin with, they would go on to compete against wealthy all-white teams and win the 1957 Texas State High School Golf Championship. The film is "A Field of Dreams" set in the world of Golf. Their inspiring triumph overcame prejudice and broke barriers for many Latino PGA Golfers to follow.
Based on the critically acclaimed self-published book by Author Humberto G. Garcia. In 1955, five young Mexican-American caddies, out of the love for the game, were determined to learn how to play, so they created there own golf course in the middle of the South Te... 显示全部
电影标签:野马奇迹 The Long Game 高清电影 在线播放 迅雷下载 BT下载 种子下载 磁力链接 迅雷下载 免费 百度网盘 天翼云盘