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Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998[WAV]\01. Island of Dream.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\02. Stillness on theRiver.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\03. In the Valley ofOrchids.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\04. Fairy'sDream.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\05. Red Baloons overDunes.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\06. Creek in theShadow.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\07. Moonbeams andStarlights.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\08. EnchantedOctober.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\09. DriftingClouds.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\10. Birds Talk inthe Morning Sky.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\11. SummerDreams.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\12. Walk in the PineForest.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\13. On a ClearNight.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\14. Croix duSud.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\15. On theWaterfront.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\16. A MarvellousThought.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV]\17. Letter toLucilius.wav
Renato Anselmi《Island of Dreams》 1998 [WAV].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-1242394399-9e2ccf?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)